The microgrid market is expected to reach $19 billion by 2024, nearly five times the original valuation of this business space in 2016.
Carbon Free Society: Britain's Battery Market Will Grow by $7.9 Billion by 2030
Modernising The Grid: An Introduction To Smarter DSOs
A question that many in the tech world are asking is: How can we make the electricity grid more efficient and resilient?
Otis Microgrid: Cape Cod Military Base To Run Fully On Renewable Energy
The US Department of Defense’s (DoD) first wind-powered microgrid is nearly ready at Otis Air National Guard Base on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Unveiled on August 29, 2018, by the 102nd Intelligence Wing and project partners, the “grid-connected microgrid” will serve as a model for similar Air National Guard and Department of Defense (DoD) projects. The Otis microgrid is expected to achieve several firsts in microgrid development for the military and New England.