The latest company born out of General Electric Co. expects sales of its industrial engines fired by natural gas to benefit from the spread of renewables such as solar and wind.
Carbon Free Society: Britain's Battery Market Will Grow by $7.9 Billion by 2030
Modernising The Grid: An Introduction To Smarter DSOs
A question that many in the tech world are asking is: How can we make the electricity grid more efficient and resilient?
Google Home: A Platform For Intelligent Energy Management Solutions
Otis Microgrid: Cape Cod Military Base To Run Fully On Renewable Energy
The US Department of Defense’s (DoD) first wind-powered microgrid is nearly ready at Otis Air National Guard Base on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Unveiled on August 29, 2018, by the 102nd Intelligence Wing and project partners, the “grid-connected microgrid” will serve as a model for similar Air National Guard and Department of Defense (DoD) projects. The Otis microgrid is expected to achieve several firsts in microgrid development for the military and New England.